Tuesday, April 16, 2013

EOC Syllabus: End Semester Exam


 B. Tech.I/ II Semester


No. of Credits: 4                                                         Sessional:                    40 Marks

L  T   P   Total                                                             Theory :                       60 Marks

4   0   0    4                                                                 Total    :                       100 Marks      

Duration of Exam:      3 Hours



Science fiction ‘Reason’; The Discovery by Herman Ould; ‘Three Questions’ by Leo Tolstoy; ‘Metamorphosis’ by Franz Kafka; Excerpt from ‘Gitanjali’



Words often Confused; Synonyms and Antonyms; One–word Substitutes; Homophones And Homonyms; Idioms; Correct the sentences



Paragraph; Case Study; Reports; Dialogue; Creative/Analytical Writing; Unseen Passage; Précis



IPA, Transcription, Use of Phonetic Dictionary, Definitions of Vowels, Consonants



Newspaper scrap book/Case Study of any great engineering enterprise; Group Discussion; Debate/Declamation


Text Book:

1. Selection of stories from I, Robot by Issac Asimov. HarperCollins. 1996

2. Notes/Masterial provided by the teacher

3. Bande Usha and Krishan Gopal ed. The Pointed Vision: An Anthology of Short Stories. Oxford UP:

4. Kadyan Asha ed. Chronicles of Time: An Anthology of Poems: Oxford UP.2004.

5. Kafka, Franz. Metamorphosis and Other Stories. Penguin.



Reference Books:

  1. Communication English. ESuresh Kumar, P Sreehari (University College of

Engineering,Hyderabad) Orient Longman,2007.

  1. Cambridge Phonetic Dictionary CDs(I-IV)
  2. Oxford Idioms Dictionary for Learners of English. Oxford University Press.2001
  3. Oxford Paperback Dictionary and Thesaurus & Wordpower Guide. Oxford

University Press.2001



Sunday, April 14, 2013

Group Discussion

Debate on Value of Science:

Narayanmurthy, Professor Balram, Harsha Bhogle and others in the discussion.


Hear this audio-video conversation from you-tube : be confident!

Skills in English:

1. Identifying.: What is your favourite pastime?

Do you know what is ethical hacking?

2. Expressing an opinion: Do you think exercise is important for health?

Is ethical hacking acceptable?

3. Comparing: Is Yoga more popular than it was ten years ago?

4. Describing: Tell me something about your native place?
How was your experience of travelling abroad?

5. Expressing preferences: Would you prefer your coffee hot or cold?

6. Giving reasons: Why is their a bottleneck at your nearby junction in the evenings?

Opinions on India:Discussions from the World Economic Forum


Remove self-doubt and be confident:


Hear this story and practice as you answer questions:

Friday, April 12, 2013

II Sessional: syllabus

Discovery/ Reason
One-word Substitutes
Homonyms, Homophones and Words often confused
Group Discussion

Tuesday, April 2, 2013


Interview questions I

Interview II

Group Discussions

Listed Topics:

1. Is Corporate Social Responsibility more than a fancy concept?
2. Reverse Engineering: Is it an absolute evil or does it make technology accessible and affordable?
3. What are patent wars and how can India guard its intellectual capital?
4. Vision of an India with a sound economic basis: Is the Indian economy getting cut-off from the grass-roots? Should economy be left to the economists?
5. Can hacking be ethical?
6. Is it possible to hack phones?

1.Read about patent battles fought by India. eg: Texamati. Compare durations of patents in India and America.
2. Read case studies of Sahara, Tatas and Reliance on CSR models. Any government injunctions may be studied.
3.Lately, Apple and Samsung had a suit on patents-recall it.
4. Is liberalization and deregulation divesting Indian populace of a decent life? Are our ministers becoming superfluous, considering that in such regimes government can control people and levy taxes on them, but cannot control corporates and keep tab on them?

Some golden rules to follow during the GD/PI from Jagran Josh
•    In the time provided (if any) to think and organise, think critically, analyse thoroughly and then try to arrive on the conclusions. Irrelevant points and facts should be avoided instead stick to the point with objectivity.
•    It is really a good way to summarise the given subject and then raise the questions based upon the same. Sometimes it is also a good idea to generate the consensus how the discussion will happen and form rules. Like opener may ask permission of group that everyone will be given chance to speak once in line and then general discussion starts.
•    Always raise hand before speaking. Avoid false starts, do not present wrong data or facts or deviate from topic.
•    Do not get too emotional & maintain etiquettes. Oppose to the points raised by other member(s) by pointing issues rather than launching a personal attack on any of the members.
•    Quality of thought: You can score a point if you speak less but make a valid point that is acceptable to the group. Don’t cook facts “like I recently read in newspaper, as per my facts in book… etc.). Most important is to digest the fact given in the case and its analysis and interpretation.
•    Avoid giving a negative impression.
•    Try to emerge as a leader as in, voice your opinion in a striking manner while at the same time listen to others carefully and also include their views in a diligent manner. Leadership quality is a must-have ingredient for GD.
What to do/ remember during GD/PI
•    Be assertive but in a polite manner with expression in voice. Be calm but not quiet.
•    Clarity in the thoughts must be there.
•    Appear pleasant with the other participating members. If it is a PI then with the interviewer.
•    Be logical while answering or questioning anything.
What not to do/ to avoid during GD/PI
•    One to one discussion or interactions with any of the members in the group instead make yourself involved with everyone present.
•    Pointing fingers, shouting or any such kind of impolite behavior.
•    Don’t use any slangs or abusive language.
•    Avoid negative body languages like shaking legs, yawning, drumming table, looking here and there or swinging pen or pencils e.tc.
Remember that it is totally your call, so go ahead with a fresh and logical mind and you will definitely make your day.

The Discovery by Herman Ould: text (first two and last three pages)