Monday, November 25, 2013

Opinion Poll: English Syllabus

Dear Students

Pl spare a few minutes to fill this form. It will help us draft a better syllabus and revise the existing syllabus to meet your needs.Kindly submit.

Best Wishes

Dr Divyajyoti

Student Feedback on EOC Syllabus                                                         Roll no.


Tick that which is applicable/ with which you agree:

1. The current syllabus is:

a.       Satisfactory but can be improved

b.      Must be changed to accommodate/meet contemporary  corporate and social context

c.       Absolutely relevant; must not be changed


2. The EOC classes (effective communication) can be improved:

a.       with more visuals aids

b.      supported by a language lab/smart lab

c.       including student activities

d.      changing the complete structure with more emphasis on interactive English

                3. I find this part of the syllabus most useful:




Technical writing & composition

Group discussions


4. I will like to concentrate on these areas for improving my communication skills in the following order:





Technical writing & composition

Group discussions


5. The lesson that impresses me most is:

a.       Discovery the play

b.      Reason the sci-fi story

c.       Metamorphoses, the surreal story

d.      Three Questions, the ethical parable

e.      Gitanjali, the verse excerpt from an anthology


6. In an ideal syllabus for communication in English, more emphasis should be laid on:


a.       Oral & gestural

b.      Written and graphic


7. Mark whether you agree (A) or disagree (D):

a.       I know all the rules of grammar but I still communicate in incorrect English.

b.      I should be able to articulate my ideas clearly and boldly, imitating British Pronunciation is secondary.

c.       The more you converse in it and read it, the less alien it gets- best way to learn English is to read and speak it.

d.      More importance should be given to the correct and apt language use than to mug up grammatical rules.


8. Language lab is:

a.       A fad

b.      Superfluity when most of us have smartphones at our fingertips

c.       Commercial venture that has been almost too eagerly and unquestioningly adopted.

d.      A distraction

e.      Desirable support in the learning process.


9. The course needs to be:

Extended to all semesters (Agree/Disagree)

10. Communication and English classes are important/pertinent to a Science & Technology University.(A/D)