Saturday, December 29, 2018

Language Lab Manual

Interactive English (Language Lab Manual)

30 minutes
30 minutes
30 minutes
30 minutes
News Reading/Reading texts (English)
Dialogue writing
Creative Writing- stories/verse/dialogue
Pronunciation and Accent Correction(English)
Paragraph Writing
Interpreting Visuals(coins/paintings/pictures)
Or work with language lab software
Or work with language lab software
Anchoring/Moderating (English)in GDs
Moderating Discussions
Drawing/Sketching/Visual representation of Development Stories.
Drawing/Sketching of Imaginative
 Note: Repeat the Exercises in tandem with Phonetic Lab exposure
Salient Points:
  1. Any text may be used for Pronunciation sessions from fiction to news stories.
  2. Any person of any class/age/gender/background may be interviewed for the session considering the decorum and sanctity of the institution.
  3. Declamation topics will be given (two to three days) in advance.
  4. Debate topics may be given (six to seven days) in advance.
  5. Discussion topics can be given two to three days in advance or for instant treatment depending on the complexity of the issue.
  6. After installation of language lab software, Desktops/PCs will be available for browsing and accent improvement.
7.       Newspapers may be made available in English.
  1. Power point Presentations will be held in later phase with active presenter from beginning to end.
  2. As alternative, movies may be screened on any other day followed by discussion and review.
Suggested Exercises:
  1. Make a chart of any favourite popular illustration of a scientific concept already published and point out the traits that make it popular.
  2. Take any one difficult concept of science and illustrate it through a creative example or visual to make it easy to grasp.
  3. Compose or Craft an issue based comic strip dealing with environment /health/sanitation.Understand the importance of correct body language (Guessing idioms through dumb charades).
  4. Vote appeal/ Students will be able to set agenda for a hypothetical electoral campaign.
  5. Coin activity: empathizing and willing suspension of disbelief(getting over anthropocentric viewpoint)
  6. Grapevine/Chinese whisper- effect of noise on channel.
  7. Teach how to make effective presentations.
  8. Discuss some popular comic strips and work of some poplar cartoonists. Understand how caricature and humour can help political commentary.
  9. Basic phonetics and Transcription.
  10. Interviewing
  11. SWOC
  12. Moderating discussions/anchoring
  13. Declamations/Debates

Suggested Topics:
  1. Interviewing:
Fictional- here the interviewee will be a fictional person/character/historical figure/animation hero of interviewer’s choice- the conversation will be imaginative and the dialogue will be written beforehand.
Real-the interview may be spontaneous or worked-out depending on assignment. The interviewee will be a real person and tape of the interview may be furnished, if it is not held in the class.
  1. Declamation
GST, Diplomatic ties with Israel; Rift with China; Social Security in India; Problems riddling Indian agriculture and solutions; Role of IMF, Role of WTO and GATT in the world; BREXIT/Bitcoins/End of EU/Syrian crisis/ Globalization; any other.
  1. Debate
Any social/economic/political/legal topic may be chosen: Right to property/Fundamental Rights/ Reforms in education system/RTI s and transparency/ PILs/Betting in cricket/New formats in sports/ violence for entertainment/womens’liberation/emancipation /reservation policy.
  1. Discussion /Moderating/Talkshow
Any current topic of national/international importance-

General Note: Students will be encouraged to think on local/regional/national and global levels adopting STEP approach, that is, issues and solutions both are social, technical, economic and political. Everything is interconnected.

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